As I had mentioned in earlier posts, this had been an unusual week of diving for me. The swell from the north kept things churned up thereby decreasing visibility. The skies were variable, and when overcast, that also affected how things looked underwater. And, to top it off, I had gone all week without seeing a sea turtle.
On my last dive of the week, I was exploring a rocky area not far off the shore. The water was tumultuous, but the landscape was beautiful. Then, to my right, I spotted a giant green sea turtle coming by for a snack of vegetation. He was only inches from me, and we swayed back and forth in the tide (me trying to stay out of his way so as not to disturb his lunch.)
I figured that my week was now complete, and I should probably think about heading home. It was a terrific conclusion.
Photo by Derrick Story. Captured with a Canon SD700 IS in a Canon underwater housing. Camera set to Underwater Scene Mode.
Technorati Tags: Derrick Story, digital photography, Technology, The Digital Story, Underwater